Healthcare PPC Ads Services


In today’s digital age, people have more information at their fingertips than ever before. When it comes to healthcare, studies have shown that 69% of consumers search for information about healthcare services before taking any actions. As a healthcare business, having a strong online presence is crucial for attracting and retaining clients and patients.

With our PPC campaign management services, you can easily reach the right audience in a precise and cost-effective way. PPC delivers quick results and high returns on investment (ROI). At MDA, we provide top-notch pay-per-click marketing services specifically designed with your business goals.

Why PPC Ads?

Enhanced Brand Visibility

With MDA you can achieve your brand awareness goals with ease. We help you improve your visibility which plays a crucial role in boosting conversion rates. Partner with the leading Pay-Per-Click Management Services Agency for exponential business growth.

Quality Traffic Generation​

With the help of MDA, one of the best pay-per-click marketing agencies, you can implement effective strategies to engage potential and existing customers who are genuinely interested in your business.

Instant Results​

Pay-Per-Click Marketing delivers quick and effective outcomes. By implementing well-crafted and professionally executed paid marketing campaigns on platforms like Google Ads, Meta Ads, and social media, you can experience immediate results. No more waiting to gain success.

Increased Leads and Sales​

We help you efficiently target potential customers without wasting valuable resources. This allows you to interact with them directly, leading to higher conversion rates.

What We Offer:

Search Ads

Attract attention and drive clicks with targeted search engine ads focused on relevant keywords. Our top-notch PPC marketing services ensure effective outreach and conversions for your healthcare business.

Display Ads

Create compelling combinations of text, images, videos, and audio to capture your audience’s interest. Our optimized techniques guarantee unmissable ads that grab attention and generate results.

Shopping Ads

We provide detailed information about your products or services, ensuring their unique features are highlighted clearly through PPC ads that resonate with your customers.

Remarketing Ads

Don’t lose sight of potential customers who have shown interest in your brand. Reach out to those who have visited your site or searched for your services, this will help convert them into loyal customers.

Mobile Ads

Take advantage of the growing number of searches and conversions on smartphones. Our PPC marketing services optimize ads for mobile users, significantly increasing your reach and impact.

App Promotion

Spread the word about the benefits of your app through targeted app install ads. Let users know how your app can provide solutions to their needs.

Native Ads

Combine your product or service message seamlessly with online editorial content. Engage customers with formats like listicles and influencer collaborations, making your brand more compelling.

Reporting & Tracking

Measure the success of your online paid marketing campaigns with relevant metrics. Our team sets up parameters to provide valuable insights that facilitate informed decision-making and effective changes.

Offering PPC Ads Services for Different Platforms:

Google Ads

Get Started with Google Ads to Grow Your Healthcare Business

With a massive reach of over 80% of internet users, Google stands as the world’s largest and most influential platform. It offers an opportunity to connect with your target audience at the right moment. Through our expert Google Ads management services, we can help you reach and engage the audience interested in your healthcare products or services.

Benefits of Google Ads

  • Measured Results

Keep track of all your campaigns and analyze their performance with a single dashboard. By integrating Google Ads and Analytics, you gain valuable insights into the marketing strategies that work best for your healthcare business.

  • Quality Traffic Generation

Leverage the power of search engine traffic, where people actively search for the healthcare solutions you provide. This high-quality traffic has immense potential to boost your online revenue and generate valuable leads.

  • Instantaneous Impact

Witness the power of Google Ads as results start flowing in within a day of publishing your ad. Even when it’s freshly approved, your ad can make an immediate impact. Moreover, Google Ads helps you discover potential keywords for organic marketing.

  • Precise Targeting

With PPC targeting options, you can effectively reach both new audiences that might be unaware of your brand and those who are already familiar with it. Expand your reach and attract relevant prospects to your healthcare business.

Our Google Ads Services:

  • Search Network Campaign

Drive revenue and leads by leveraging the strength of search network campaigns. Certified Google Ads specialists at MDA monitor and optimize your search network advertising campaigns, adjusting bids, ads, and keywords to maximize engagement and conversion rates.

  • Display Network Campaign

Expand your brand’s reach and promote your healthcare products all at once through display network campaigns. Our expertise ensures that your display campaigns build brand awareness, raise product awareness, and generate sales.

  • Shopping Campaign

Get your E-commerce products featured at the top of search engine results pages through shopping ads. At MDA, we specialize in setting up and optimizing Google Shopping Ads or Google Product Listing Ads to drive sales, revenue, and  remarkable returns on investment (ROI).

  • Responsive Ad Campaign

Experience the flexibility and effectiveness of responsive display ads that automatically adapt their size, appearance, and format to fit available spaces across the Google Display Network. Trust our team to create, monitor, optimize, and analyze the performance of your responsive ad campaigns, ensuring maximum impact and engagement.

  • App Campaign

Utilize our vast experience in App Install Campaigns to boost the number of installs for your healthcare app. Be it running ads on the App Store for iOS or the Play Store for Android, our expertise combined with the right network of quality publishers will drive results and boost app installs.

  • Landing Page Optimization

Boost conversions and sales with our landing page design and optimization services. As a top Google Ads management agency, we handle everything from creating and designing new landing pages to monitoring and analyzing key statistics. Benefit from our expertise and enhance the performance of your landing pages.

YouTube Ads

Boost Your Reach With YouTube Ads

With our YouTube Ads services, we craft engaging ads that  connect with your audiences on the world’s second-largest search engine. Our comprehensive strategy includes everything your healthcare business needs for the best YouTube advertising. From detailed research and campaign creation to in-depth reporting in Google Data Studio and ongoing campaign management, we have got you covered.

There are nearly two billion active YouTube users every month, making it the second-largest search engine following Google. This vast audience provides an incredible opportunity for healthcare marketers. Use YouTube ads to target specific audiences, build brand awareness, drive traffic, and generate sales and leads. 

The best part?

YouTube ads offer long-term return on investment (ROI) for your advertising budget.

Our YouTube ads can be precisely targeted using a range of criteria, including:

  • Demographics 
  • Interests 
  • Contextual Targeting
  • Behavioral Interests 
  • Lookalike Audiences 
  • Retargeting

This ensures that your ads reach the right people at the right time, maximizing engagement and conversion rates.

At MDA, our team consists of certified YouTube Advertising experts, Google Analytics Certified professionals, Moz Oracles, talented designers, and UX experts. Together, we craft video ads that attract, inform, and convert your prospects on YouTube and other video platforms. We view YouTube as an integral part of the overall digital journey, providing valuable insights on how it enhances your conversion process.

Leverage the power of YouTube ads to elevate your healthcare business to new heights. Partner with MDA for expert YouTube Advertising services, and let us guide you on the path to digital success.

Meta Ads

Connections can take your business anywhere.

Create your personalized marketing plan and meet the tools, insights and resources from Meta that help you turn connections into opportunity.

With approximately 1.9 billion daily active users (DAU) on Facebook and 500 million DAU on Instagram stories, social media offers an enormous advertising opportunity for healthcare organizations. What’s more, social media advertisements have a higher return on investment (ROI) than any other form of advertising in the healthcare industry.

Whether your business objective is to attract a new audience or convert a high-intent one, the Meta Business Suite allows organizations to target consumers in various ways, driving them further into the marketing funnel.

  • Awareness

With Instagram or healthcare Facebook ads, you can introduce new audiences to your brand and establish your business as a thought leader in your space using advertisements centered on public education and advocacy regarding public health issues.

  • Interest

Nurture new and existing information-seeking audiences with a consistent flow of educational ads that link to relevant content (e.g., shareable blog posts, social media posts, infographics, videos, podcasts, etc.) and define your position in the marketplace.

  • Desire

Encourage decision-making audiences with healthcare Instagram ads that identify solutions to their problems and inspire action.

  • Action

Inspire and persuade high-intent audiences to convert with ads that promote social proof (e.g., testimonials, case studies, etc.).

Facebook Ads

Facebook has emerged as a bang-up, powerful, and effective marketing tool for businesses, no matter what the business’ size is. Believe it or not, your Facebook page serves as the second website of your brand as it gives the people a chance to go through the services and products that you have to offer as well as learn more about your business.

Benefits of Facebook Ads:

  • Exceptional Targeting

In Facebook Ads, the right audience can be targeted by behaviors, interests, demographics, connections, age ranges, languages, or locations. That means it allows us to dig pretty deep with these targeting capabilities whilst getting rid of the out-of-market clickers.

  • Budget-Friendly

Facebook advertising is budget-friendly as here we can set a daily or lifetime budget. Also, we can easily increase or decrease it at any time. However, with a professional Facebook ad agency, we can escape from wasting precious money and time to gain more sales.

  • Brand Awareness

Advertising on Facebook is one of the most effective ways that build brands whilst making sure that more people are aware of that brand. And showcasing any brand to people browsing Facebook helps them to remember that particular brand.

  • Lookalike Audience

This is a powerful way with which we can find new people that are more likely to convert or purchase on our website because Facebook determines who is most likely to be the perfect audience for our business with this feature.

Our Facebook Ads Management Services include:

  • Facebook Page Like Ads

At MDA , we create Facebook Page likes ads that showcase our client’s Facebook pages and encourage the target audiences to like the page. And, if the targeted user has one or more friends who have already liked the advertised page then, the user will see that these of our friends like the page.

  • Facebook Post Engagement Ads

Our Facebook post engagement ads drive more engagement on every individual post while expanding its original reach. This helps the advertiser generate more activity on their posts as well as get more organic followers quickly by offering them the kinds of posts they’ll see more.

  • Facebook Website Traffic Ads

We, being the best Facebook ads company, create website traffic ads that are designed to drive people to our client’s website or app . So, the businesses which are targeting website traffic, these ads will help them redirect their targeted audiences to their landing page or an app.

  • Facebook App Install Ads

The Facebook App Install ads are simple ads that take the user to the Google Play Store or App Store. We create & manage the app install ads that will be shown in the user’s timeline whilst offering them a direct invite for the installation of our client’s app.

  • Facebook Shopping Ads

Facebook shopping ads being a form of dynamic advertising allows marketers to showcase a variety of their products to a wide audience. Counted among the best Facebook Ad agencies, the MDA team creates & manages the best Facebook shopping ads to showcase the best products of our clients in front of the target audience.

  • Facebook Lead Ads

Facebook lead ads are equipped with a very new feature where people can simply tap on the ad and a form pre-populated with their Facebook contact information will be there to send to the advertiser. So, the advertisers can get the information they want, and it has generated a qualified lead for their business.

Instagram Ads

With more than 2 Billion active users, Instagram has evolved into the world’s largest visual content social media platform. And, posting ads on Instagram is proven to reach a highly visual and engaging audience which offers marvelous targeting opportunities to digital marketers. Moreover, Instagram ads work well for all businesses regardless of the nature or size of the business.

Benefits of Instagram Ads:

  • Communicate Through Visuals

It is a well-known fact that images communicate beyond words as the images have the potential to communicate thoughts, sentiments, ideas as well as emotions. And the targeted Instagram ads are a great way to win over an Instagram audience as here you show them who you are as a brand.

  • Specific Targeting Options

Insta ads allow Instagram ad creators to focus on users that want to see what the business has to offer. So, this kind of targeting lets you utilize the best value of the money spent on the target audience that is more likely to convert into sales.

  • Detailed Analytics

Instagram advertising also offers an advantage of detailed analytics in Instagram Ads Manager because marketers see exactly how their content is performing among their target audience. This feature allows them to alter or adjust their Instagram paid ads strategy as and when needed.

  • Integrated with Facebook Ads Manager

As you all know, Instagram Ads are integrated with Facebook Ads Manager. That means you get the benefits of the best-in-class campaign customization options, formatting, and targeting capabilities provided by Facebook ads manager Instagram along with high engagement.

Our Instagram Ads Management Services include:

  • Instagram Story Ads

Using Instagram Story ads, you reach out to share your message with an audience that is already actively engaging because engagement rates for Instagram Stories are very high. The best Instagram ad agency conceptualize the message in a creative, interesting and user-engaging way using the power of Instagram Story ads.

  • Instagram Post Engagement Ads

The Instagram post-engagement ads allow the brands to showcase products and services through some very compelling images. So, if you are already crafting graceful visual content, then the Instagram post-engagement ads give you the platform to share it with more & more people and it also allows you to create new content specifically to run as a post-engagement ad.

  • Instagram Video Ads

The Instagram video ads allow you to get the same visually immersive quality as the post engagement ads or photo ads but with the added power of sight, sound, and motion. Moreover, Instagram Video ads are allowed for up to 1 minute long, so you get a compelling way of presenting users a closer look at your brand, products, or services.

  • Instagram Carousel Ads

The Instagram Carousel Ads allow Instagram Ad Creators to add another layer of depth to your Instagram ad campaigns because here, people swipe to view more than 1 photo or video in a single ad. The Instagram ad support extended for carousel ads lets users swipe through a series of images or videos with a call-to-action button that connects them directly to your website.

  • Instagram Lead Generation Ads

Posting Ads on Instagram also allows the advertisers to create lead generation ad campaigns where they just choose lead generation as the primary marketing objective. However, Instagram lead generation ads take more than just a post and a few hashtags. Therefore, we at MDA, make this process easier for you with our top-notch Instagram advertising services.

  • Instagram Shopping Ads

Run Instagram Shopping Ads post setting up your Instagram Shopping account. These Instagram Shopping ads take the shoppers directly to a product description page within the Instagram app and enable the purchase through the mobile website itself making the process very easy for the end-users. Create state-of-the-art Instagram shopping ad campaigns with the best Instagram ad agency.

LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn ads are very effective, whether you see them from a social perspective or a PPC perspective. And, this makes them an effective way of promoting your business. So, if you also want to generate qualified leads or make more sales whilst building a solid foundation of LinkedIn advertising for your business. Then, we can help you achieve it all.

Benefits of LinkedIn Ads:

  • Variety of LinkedIn Ads

One of the most enchanting benefits of the LinkedIn Ad Manager is that it has six different options of LinkedIn ads, which differ in positioning, and purpose. And the advantage of LinkedIn Ads Manager is that we can always update our campaign to a different ad type depending upon the business objectives.

  • Perfect Audience Targeting

LinkedIn offers audience targeting by occupation, job title, and other parameters. Also, the LinkedIn Business Manager platform is very appropriate when it comes to targeting the audience by special interests, just like other social media platforms advertising because this is a focused way of promotion that gives better results.

  • Wider Network of Professionals

No matter, if a business owner is looking to connect with other marketers, or CEOs, or other people across industry verticals, they can find them on LinkedIn, and showcasing their product or service is beneficial as it shall generate interest in the prospective customers and help in receiving feedback from diversely skilled people using LinkedIn.

  • Better Lead Generation

Targeting the right professional demographics which match your target audience is an opportunity for every business to gain high-quality leads. And therefore, LinkedIn Ads Manager is a powerful platform for generating B2B qualified leads as well as to increase sales and build connections.

Our LinkedIn Ads Management Services include:

  • LinkedIn Text Ads

LinkedIn text ads are more like the search ads we find on search engine platforms like Google or Bing, which means the LinkedIn text ads operate on a familiar pay-per-click or impression basis. These are featured in the sidebar as a basic text block with a headline, next to a company’s logo. Being among the best LinkedIn Ads agencies, we create the best LinkedIn text ads that generate immediate results.

  • LinkedIn Sponsored Content Ads

The LinkedIn sponsored content ads include a single image, carousel image, and video ads, which can be shown to current LinkedIn Page followers, as well as to other LinkedIn members who fit the audience criteria that we have defined while creating a Sponsored Content campaign. Get the best LinkedIn sponsored content ads campaign management executed by certified LinkedIn ads consultants.

  • LinkedIn Followers Increase Ads

LinkedIn followers increase ads and engage the prospects with ads that are automatically personalized to them. These ads encourage the members to follow the company’s LinkedIn or Showcase Page. And, as we already mentioned that these ads are tailored to each member so they feature the particular user’s profile photo next to your company’s logo along with their first name and your company name in the ad copy.

  • LinkedIn Sponsored InMail Ads

The LinkedIn InMail ads messages are delivered to the prospect’s LinkedIn Messaging Inbox whenever they are active. That means you should focus on how your target audience could benefit from the conversation. Don’t bother yourself, MDA certified LinkedIn ad experts are here to help you as we understand the right messaging structure that could help you yield the best results from your LinkedIn Ad Campaigns.

  • LinkedIn Website Visit Ads

The website visits ads campaigns are created when the sole purpose of advertising on LinkedIn is to attract visitors to a particular website. The website visit ad formats are text ads, sponsored content, dynamic ads, and sponsored InMail ads. Get your target audience to visit your website with the help of certified LinkedIn Ads consultants from the best LinkedIn advertising company.

  • LinkedIn Lead Ads

LinkedIn Lead Ads are useful when an advertiser wants to capture quality leads using the lead form. So, when users click on an ad then, a lead generation form opens which has the pre-filled data from their LinkedIn profile itself. The lead generation ad formats are sponsored content and sponsored InMail ads.

Why Choose Us for PPC Ads Services?

MDA’s Healthcare PPC services have proven effective in driving traffic and sales for many clients. Since its inception, MDA has provided premium marketing services and effective pay-per-click marketing to businesses big and small. Our Healthcare PPC experts have helped numerous clients boost their sales over a short period of time with our topnotch pay-per-click management expertise.

  • We Put Our Clients First

Our team makes it a priority to hear about a client’s ideas more than anyone else. Once we know what’s important for the client, we adjust our service accordingly. We believe that our success only matters when clients feel valued.

  • We Deliver Results

MDA uses data and performance metrics to measure results. Our marketing services, including our Healthcare PPC company, are proven to increase key performance indicators that signify successful campaigns.

  • We Are Transparent

We provide full, detailed reports to all our clients as part of our commitment to provide honest and transparent service. Our clients have access to an online portal where they can see their project’s overview, analytics and other performance metrics.

  • We Are Data-Driven

We gather useful information that helps us succeed in our campaigns, including our Healthcare PPC services. Our team of marketers leverage research and data from applied campaigns to create highly targeted marketing strategies that lead even more sales and conversions.

  • We Are Prompt

We strive to meet our client’s demands, especially deadlines. MDA’s Healthcare PPC experts value timeliness and deliver quality work within the client’s timeline. We pride ourselves on being prompt without compromising the quality of our work.


What Our Clients Say


"The work done by MDA on the PPC campaigns has been nothing short of fruitful. They have managed to yield significant results in favor of our business. There has been a significant increase in qualified leads from MDA’s skillful management of PPC advertising. Because of MDA’s skillset in targetting the right audience & optimize our ad spend effectively, we’ve noticed a great ROI. Their honest reporting schedule has enabled us to trust them with our marketing budget, which we can say has been used effectively. MDA’s PPC efforts have made a crucial change that has driven our business to success."

Hugo Van Den Berk

Director Marketing & Communication at Catharina Hospital Eindhoven

Laura Shea

"MDA has served outstanding results for our hospital in terms of online advertising campaigns. They are very knowledgeable in the Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising area, which helped us effectively reach out to our target audience, therefore bringing more patient queries and conversions. We are grateful to MDA’s services and their commitment to resolving our setbacks and using effective PPC solutions. Therefore, it is highly recommended to opt for MDA if you are part of one of those medical institutes looking to optimize their online potential."

Laura Shea

Market Director of Marketing at Texas Health Huguley Hospital Fort Worth South

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